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motan-colortronic launches updated series of conveying systems
motan-colortronic Plastics Machinery Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the motan group, has moved to its modern larger premises in Taicang Jiangsu Province, China, located about 50…
The jury has decided: Six innovative ideas in the field of plastics production and processing have been nominated for the motan innovation award 2018. In July, the nominees will…
The steady growth of a company is a positive aspect. However, a certain degree of creativity is needed in the production areas in order to meet the growing require-ments.
It is simply incredible what has developed from a workshop for the production of suitcase locks founded by Ewald WITTE in Velbert, Germany in 1899 into the company that it is…
Due to its modular design with numerous options, motan-colortronic's METRO G series is one of the most flexible material loader available on the market. At the Fakuma 2017, the…