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motan informs about COVID-19

COVID-19 - Flexibility as a success factor.


In the last year, the COVID-19 virus has resulted in an unprecedented upheaval to our daily lives. We would like to assure you that even in these difficult and unpredictable times we are still here for you and are committed to supporting you our customers with advice, service and spare parts. We are also taking all necessary and recommended steps flexible to slow-down the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to protect our employees, their families, our customers, and our suppliers.


The extensive hygiene precautions we have put into place and your caution have made this partial success possible. However, we all know that the crisis is not yet over. As soon as a large part of the population around the world will be vaccinated, we can count on relaxed measures in our everyday life.

Because the situation and respective measures and restrictions are different from country to country, the implementation of these measures is the responsibility of each region and company. In addition, group management and the German companies meet weekly to discuss whether further measures are necessary or whether we can start to think about easing restrictions.


Digital sales & consulting - your direct contact to us, customized and flexible.
New specifications always result in new opportunities and possibilities for our customers. We think contact and communication with our customers are important factors to work successful together. That is why we try to adapt flexibly to the new challenges depending on the situation. For our customers we offer digital solutions for consulting and more information via our online channels. If this is not possible, a visit with sufficient distance and with provided medical masks is also feasible for us. Service, repair and maintenance are carried out either in accordance with the appropriate hygiene measures or even completely virtually. In accordance with hygiene regulations, we offer employees either shared workplaces with sufficient space between them or the option of working from home. Communication is mainly digital.


Service & Deliveries – Helping you to keep running
The motan group strives to be there for you. We would like to assure our customers and employees that we are doing everything in our power to keep business running as normally as possible.

So far, we will continue to do our best to keep deliveries running. Through our decentralized network of productions, distributors and partners, we will keep the inconvenience to our customers to a minimum and strive to maintain a fast and open communication with them.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch! Please see our service hotlines here.

We provide important information & measures about COVID-19 to our employees & sales partners in SUPPORTnet.


1. Will our delivery capacity be jeopardised if part of the workforce falls ill


No, because:

  • We have a decentralised structure that is well networked.
  • We have several production centres open worldwide that produce motan products in proven quality. Our largest operations in Germany and China are open, India is currently open with restrictions.
  • We are protecting our employees where needed through either home-office or shift working.
  • We have a group-wide spare parts business model, which allows us to have the spare parts quickly delivered in the different regions.


2. Will our motan quality be at risk? 

No, because:

  • Our suppliers remain unchanged.
  • We have proven & established motan quality management processes in production and service.
  • Our employee know-how is retained.


3. Is the ability to deliver from upstream suppliers at risk?

The global problem with the delivery of control components briefly led to delays in delivery at motan, but this has almost been resolved thanks to intensive procurement activities because:

  • Our decentralized structures help with the supply of production parts.
  • We have a central, transparent management of replacement parts in place within the motan group.
  • We have a continuous process to optimize and improve the supply chain, which is dynamically adapted to the current situation.

Note: The currently good parts availability can change dynamically due to external influences. We will regularly keep you informed about changes in delivery times.


4. Is service availability still guaranteed?

Yes, wherever possible*, because:

  • All locations have a spare parts warehouse adapted to the customer's systems.
  • We are still there for our customers. At present there are no restrictions regarding service.
  • There are possibilities available for remote maintenance service of the plants.
  • We are still available for all our customers and partners by our service hotlines worldwide.

*availability of service depends on government and customer’s company regulations

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